No one wants to walk in on Monday to a flood of voicemails asking, “Who hired that guy to speak?”
Of course, nothing can energize a firm and get people on board with a firm’s goals more than a great retreat or conference.  It can connect the firm, its lawyers, and other professionals tightly together, motivating everyone to take the next big step forward.  And, since it’s time spent away from home, it should actually be fun.

But who do you pick?  Who will help your firm achieve its goals and make you look good?  How do you know the speaker will be a good fit with your lawyers, and not embarrass you by failing to understand the subtle nuances of lawyers and law firms?
A lot of consultants don’t understand what it’s like to be in-house, and how the consultant must be part of your team — helping you advance your goals for the firm.  Because once the program is over, on Monday you have to walk into the office, look your lawyers in the face, and admit it was you who selected the consultant. 
Will the consultant leave in his wake some exciting, challenging, and effective marketing projects to accomplish?  Or the sneaking suspicion that the firm’s strategic plan, office upgrade, IT expenditures, client-service program, or other initiatives are not all that important to the firm’s future? 
These are difficult questions.  And you better have a very clear answer for them.

Or it could get ugly…

Check out our pre-screened, pre-qualified, and vetted speakers here. We think they’re worth a pretty close look.

Good luck!
Ross Fishman

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